Sunday 27 August 2023

Maledom and Femdom

"Communism is nothing like capitalism. Capitalism is exploitation of a man by a man and communism is the other way around."

I think I have written about it in one of my previous blog posts, but possibly not. 

Aside from few foundational principles that defined these systems, both communist world and market capitalism free world actually had a lot in common. They were almost like a mirror image of each other. There was a great deal animosity between systems that was mutual. Both build up their militaries and look for allies to defend against the other superpower and their allies. Both built spaceships to win space before the other one could. Both thought that Beatles corrupt youth and destroy moral. Though they could not quite agree if Beatles destroy Chirstian or Socialist moral. I will write more about it in a separate post later.


Admittedly there are plenty of similarities between maledom and femdom. With exception of obvious difference of which gender is in charge, which is subordinated and a few other things, many other aspects of both relationships rather similar. Similar not in the way that they copy or follow each other, more like they are mirror image inversions of each other.

In femdom female mistress rules over male sub who worships and obeys her.

In maledom male master rules over female slave who worships and obeys him.

There is also homosexual BDSM where both partners are of the same gender, but I will not cover it here.

Conceptual Comparison

Here I am not talking simply of purely sexual practices, that people might do from time to time. I am talking of a far going 24/7 commitment to one or the other role and approach to live that was born out of BDSM 'scene'.

If you read/watch Story of O, you can notice that people there do not treat it as a mere fetish or scene. They commit to it, consensually, but commit for good as a way of life.

First some ideology that underpins both systems.

Mutual Animosity

While BDSM is a broad term that include variety of practices, over time some fetishes drifted further away from each other.

Fueled by feminist on one side and Alt-Right/Lite MGTOW on the other, femdom and maledom will drift further apart from each other.  

Just like in Cold War there is animosity between the sides. Femdom adherents possibly find idea of beating women repulsive. However, Maledom supporters find idea of domineering woman barking orders or just yelling equally repulsive.

Hillary Clinton lost Presidental elections precisely because she repulses anti-femdom people as much as Donald Trump repulses feminists.


For both personal sexual preferences mixed with some sort of value system that underpins their relationship as well as their individual place in it.

Femdom adherent possibly worship women because they give birth to children. Femdom subs value this quality of women so much that they willing to obey and worship them for this reason. Most likely they attract arrogant selfish women who crave status money and power.

Maledom instead insists that it is men, who are better, more advanced and valuable gender. Men are not only stronger, but also smarter. It is men who do science, discover continents and build civilization. Women are just primitive dumb cock craving, penis envy creatures who should just serve the more advanced gender, already endowed with these things.


Both sides have some form of ideology or at least ad-hoc body of believes that justify or excuse their stance and behavior. 

Femdom has feminism. It claims that women were oppressed by men in the past and need to be 'liberated' and 'compensated' for past oppression. That essentially excuses everything woman could do no matter how much it hurts men. It allows and justifies women abusing men.

Maledom is more ad-hoc and diverse in that regard. There is Alt-Right/Lite, MGTOW and many other such groups who mostly went their grievances. However basic idea is the mirror image of feminism. Here however it is women who wronged collective men and now has to recompence for their past and present misdeeds. 

Alt-Right and MGTOW leads Maledom just as much as feminism leads to femdom.

Unlike feminism, that claims to represent equality, but in practice disempower men and simply puts all power in woman's hands, anti-feminism instead claim that woman's natural place is to serve and obey men.

In general, maledom is of course much more natural and organic than femdom. It is femdom who tries to put woman in man's natural role for which she not equipped.


I am not sure if it were submissive men, fathers of daughters or selfish and ambitious 'oppressed' women themselves, who created feminism. Perhaps all three groups combined their efforts as it serves all their interests.

For submissive men it cultivates dommes.

For fathers of daughters, it ensures that their future son-in-law will not beat his wife.

For selfish and ambitious 'oppressed' women it gives opportunities to enrich themselves on the backs of oppressed men.

What however is much clearer to me is that MGTOW and Alt-Right/Lite were created as a reaction and rejection of feminism. Just like the world eventually got so alarmed by Comintern and USSR advances, it created NATO to oppose it.

Because of that it is much younger and newer than feminism. Its ideology was forming on the go and kept evolving when feminist ideology was already complete and fleshed out.

Because of that Alt-Right of the past not necessary the same as it is nowadays.

While MGTOW does mean 'men going their own way' that does not necessarily mean rejection of all women. Just the feminist women. 

Relationship Dynamics

Actual sexual practices are also similar mirror image of each other.

Relationship in both cases consist of glorifying the superior gender and humiliating the subordinate one.

Dom(me) orders slave around, and they do their bidding.

Slave in turn must be willing to obey and please their Dom(me) as well as to endure any pain and humiliation their wish to inflict upon them.

There are few differences,

Men of course do not need strap-on to fuck their slave girls in the ass.

There is no cross-dressing in maledom, because while dressing men in female clothes will humiliate him, dressing woman in male clothes will hardly do so.

However, there are other things men can do to humiliate a girl, such as making her wear panties on her head or lick the floor or a toilet bowl.

Monday 21 August 2023

Spreading asshole

 I like girls head down and ass up.

I also like it when they spread their assholes with their fingers as far as they can possibly get it.

That shows me that she is willing to go to great length to and rip her hole as far as humanly possible for the sake of pleasing me.

It shows both dedication to me as well as willingness to endure pain.

I do not like girls who are to stingy and protective of their hole.

Tuesday 15 August 2023

Victim Girl is Essence of BDSM


I think that what makes BDSM attractive to men is the fact that they like their girls to be victims. 

At the very least I like my girls to be cute, adorable helpless victims. The more of a victim she is, the more I can like her. Or course she also has to have Stockholm Syndrome and be in live with her tormentor/abuser (me) and love to be tormented and abused.

After all what can make girl look more like a victim, than ropes, handcuffs, gag and blindfold. When she wears all that, she is helpless powerless victim, who is completely in the hands of her tormentor.

And of course, she also has to demonstrate her Stockholm Syndrome by telling me how much she loves being tormented and abused by me.

TrueHellDei for example complains about all sorts of hardships in life she experiences from being a woman. However, she does not need any help and more than willing to keep suffering from it all.