Tuesday 25 April 2023

What Makes A Good Slave Girl

A good slave girl must be obedient. However, that it possibly too vague. What this word entails and what it means to be an obedient slave girl in my eyes.

Discipline - First and foremost she needs to be well disciplined. Without discipline one cannot see her ability to listen to ad follow orders. Military is relentlessly drilled to instil discipline to make sure soldiers follow orders of their officers. It is also so that they do not run from a battlefield in fear at first sign of danger but endure whatever privation may befell on them and continue to fulfil their duty, that too is important quality of a slave girl.

Slave girl too has to show that she not only can understand and follow orders, but also that she is psychologically predisposed to behave in such a manner. 

It is very important for her to show that she both can and will follow orders I give her. If she cannot show it, I cannot be sure in her obedience and loyalty to me.

However, discipline too should be broken down into several simpler categories and each elaborated on separately.

Deference and Respect - deference is process of showing someone that they are or higher status and importance then then the person who is showing the deference. It is a way to show that a subordinate (a slave girl in our situation) respects and will obey the authority of her superior (Master).

This can take many forms. Kings have to be bowed down to and addressed as 'Your Majesty' precisely to show this deference. Muslims bow down to Mekka to show deference to their god. Asina kow-towing is also a form of showing deference. In military people of lower rank do a so called military salute towards more senior officers and address them as 'Sir'.

Slave girl too has to show her master and owner whichever form of deference he demands of her.

Failure to show a deference will look like a disrespect. Slave girl should always respect her owner/master.

Endurance - BDSM sex has a lot of painful, disgusting and humiliating practices. While it is fun to do all these things to her, there is a more deep reason for doing it. Subjecting slave girl to these can test her and show her discipline, loyalty and obedience to her owner.

However, in order to withstant all these abuses I am willing to inflict on her, she has to have a lot of endurance.

So any potential slave girl has to show that she is both able and willing to endure all the pain, humiliation and misery I can throw her way.

Availability - In the Story of O in Roussy when narrator introduces slave girls, he says that they are dressed this way to be available to anyone who wishes to use them. Military recruitment too has a complexly worded clause that sound something like 'availability to unrestricted service', which is likely means just that but in non-sexual context.

A good slave girl has to show that she is available for her owner's unrestricted 24/7 use. In my case, she has to be available only to me and me alone.

Various real life legal and social issues with her consent to all this make this all the more important. She has to show it clearly and unambiguously that she consents to it and is available to serve and fulfil her duty.

Bowing down can display such availability. Also, things like spreading ass can display such availability. However, it can also be communicated verbally.

Agreeableness - That may have seen obvious to some, but I would like to reiterate on it. Obedient means agreeing with my opinions, judgements and instructions. Girl cannot make a good slave if she is disagreeable, combative or challenging. Dealing with disagreeable girl is just too much stress and absolutely not worth it.

Because of that I want to make sure that any aspiring slave girls are obedient and agreeable.

Reserve-ness (Emotion-less) - good slave girl has to be reserved. After all she is meant to be in a relationship where someone else makes decisions for her. 

Therefore, she has to show that she is not the kind of girl who jumps to compulsion, makes impulse decisions. or acts on the impulse.

She has to show that she is reserved so I can ber sure she can wait patiently for my instructions.

That also means that she has to be able to keep herself in control and not let her emotions run wild and take the best of her.

I need to make sure she will not do something stupid on emotions.

Niceness - That one is needed not only for a slave girl. Some people might like bratty girls and such. However, that is not me.

I like an overall nice girl. Thus, my slave girl has to be a nice girl and a nice person as well. Being nice does not conflict with being a an obedient slave girl. Being nice fits more the role of submissive slave maid than brattiness, rebelliousness or such.

Therefore, any potential slave girl has to show that she is a nice girl.